12 Kasım 2018 Pazartesi

Cultural Coding in the World ( A Twinning Project)

Proejct's name is : Cultural Coding in the World. 

Project member: 

About the project : In a project that we will collaborate with partners from different countries, our students will learn about the culture, cities, symbols and important writers and poets of other countries with coding. They will learn the importance of coding and part of our lives. They will be friends with students in other cultures and meet in a common denominator.

Project Aims : 

to be able to make friends and meet friends from different countries with coding,
recognize the cities and symbols of the countries they live in,
The coding; knowing that form the basis of a programming language and the development of problem solving skills with activities to do,
they realize that coding does not only require computers;
know that coding is associated with many disciplines (with the activities they will do)
It is aimed.

Working Process :

September-October: Partners to communicate with each other via social media or via mail. Determining the number of students and the age range and preparation of names lists.
November: Using Code.org, "color in numbers" will be explained and "coding activity 1" activity will be done. Examples will be sent via mail.
December: "encoding activity 2" activity will be performed. Match cities with icons. "Tangram activity."
January: "coding activity 3" activity with famous poets and writers will be paired with his work.
February: Termination of the project and evaluation of products.

Expected Results: 

Project events will be recorded as photos and videos and shared at Twinspace. In addition, students will send any activity they send by letter to each other.

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